Monday, December 27, 2010

greetings from ecuador

Almost Flat in Ayampe
Snaggle asked why I would bring all the small wave toys?

This was the biggest wave we saw the 1st week

nanny nanny we still got in the water
Snaggle got really good at her Mat that Santa got her for christmas

Snaggle owning it on her Fourth Gear Flyer by Paul Gross

apparently we are here for a bodysurf trip but have to squeezed in a couple surfs. Waiting on three huge swells, here for 11 days but may turn into two and a half weeks.

A moment with Nature

Updated, in Ecuador you burn your idols, heroes and villains, its a New Years Eve tradition. Translation, a surf sacrifice was in order...

the last supper

burn your idols


scary new years leprechaun
Burn Idols Burn
Party Animals, we stayed up until 12:15 AM rage til dawn

New Year, no more getting skunked on surf trips, bring on an epic 2011!!!!
1/2/2011 Sacrifice Worked

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